Dumb Dragons Productions’ Harassment Policy
Apr. 17, 2020
This document has been adapted from the Fable and Folly Productions policies that were graciously shared with the community.
Harassment in a broader sense includes, but is not limited to:
Inappropriate or insulting remarks, gestures, jokes, or innuendoes or taunting about a person’s gender, gender identity, sexual identity, racial or ethnic background, color, place of birth, citizenship, ancestry, creed, or ability
Persistent unwanted questions or comments about a participant’s private life outside the boundaries of consent established in rehearsal;
Posting or displaying materials, articles, graffiti, and so on, which may cause humiliation, offense, or embarrassment on prohibited grounds that are outside the parameters of the production. A production about pornography, violence, or racism may involve such images in the rehearsal space or in a dramaturgy packet, but such images are not appropriate for open display in dressing rooms, bathrooms, or other similar spaces.
Sexual Harassment in a creative workplace:
In a creative context, harassment can be additionally defined as one or a series of comments or conduct of a gender-related or sexual nature outside the boundaries of consent or production content, which is known or ought to reasonably be known to be unwelcome/unwanted, offensive, intimidating, hostile, or inappropriate. It is worth noting that the higher the emotional/sexual risk a production asks of its artists, the greater the diligence of each member of production and artistic staffs is needed to foster an environment of emotional safety.
Sexual Harassment includes but is not limited to:
Unwelcome remarks, jokes, innuendoes, or taunts about a person’s body, attire, gender, or sexual orientation outside the boundaries of consent or production content;
Negative stereotyping of race, gender, gender identity, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, ability, or other status protected by law outside the boundaries of consent or production content;
Any unwanted or inappropriate physical contact such as touching, kissing, massaging, patting, hugging, or pinching outside the boundaries of consent or production content;
Unwelcome inquiries or comments about a person’s sex life or sexual preference outside the boundaries of consent or production content;
Leering, whistling, or other suggestive or insulting sounds outside the boundaries of consent or production content;
Inappropriate comments about clothing, physical characteristics, or activities outside the boundaries of consent or production content;
Posting or displaying materials, articles, or graffiti that is sexually oriented outside the boundaries of consent or production content;
Requests or demands for sexual favors, especially those that include, or imply, promises of rewards for complying (e.g., job advancement opportunities) and/or threats of punishment for refusal (e.g., denial of job advancement or opportunities) outside the boundaries of consent or production content;
Inviting an actor to rehearse sexual content outside of scheduled rehearsals;
Repeated invitation/suggestion to take relationships of a sexual nature outside of recording or rehearsal;
Using the text of a production that is sexual, violent, threatening, or offensive in discourse outside of recording or rehearsal;
Participants have the right to be free from:
Sexual solicitation or advance made by a person in a position to confer, grant, or deny a benefit or advancement outside production content;
Reprisal or threat of reprisal for the rejection of a sexual solicitation or advance where the reprisal is made by a person in a position to grant, confer, or deny a benefit or advancement outside production content.
Any of the behaviors outlined here have the potential to create a negative environment for individuals or groups. It should be noted that a person does not have to be a direct target to be adversely affected by a negative environment.
It is understood that creative atmospheres are not always “emotionally sanitary”— they can safely be bawdy, profane, vulgar, and challenging. We assert that having (a) a practice of building consent and (b) an environment that allows for response to clear boundary violations can broaden our opportunity to be challenging and fearless in our work.
Concerns about harassment, safety, or a negative environment should be reported using the concern resolution path (starting with level one wherever possible), and all concerns should be treated with the utmost respect for the safety and well being of all participants.